
  • 人数不设限!券商打响“抢人”大战 头部券商已提早下手

      券商开年打响“抢人”大战!有直言人数不设限  头部券商已“瞄准”2023年毕业生  金融业的竞争本质···

    2022-01-22 14:50:45
  • Special Assessment Tax

    The levy assessed against the portion of a property that has been condemned by a public authority. The special assessment tax will reduce the amount of co···

    2022-01-05 14:49:24
  • Notice Of Assessment - NOA

    An annual statement sent by revenue authorities to taxpayers detailing the amount of income tax they owe. It includes the amount of their tax refund, tax credi···

    2022-01-05 15:07:39
  • basis of assessment


    2022-01-05 12:12:53
  • Special Assessment Bond

    A special type of municipal bond used to fund a development project. Interest owed to lenders is paid by taxes levied on the community benefiting from the part···

    2022-01-05 15:50:14
  • final assessment


    2022-01-05 12:35:35
  • Joint Assessment

    英文名称:Joint Assessment 中文名称:合并评税指将总收入合并再扣除免税额之后的金额进行税款缴纳。e.g. A joint assessment report of Myanmar, the Associat···

    2022-01-05 13:16:06
  • assessment

    n. 估定;估价···

    2022-04-07 15:04:21
  • estimated assessment


    2022-01-05 07:21:57
  • 不可兑换的公司债券

    不可兑换的公司债券 不可兑换的公司债券是指永远支付一个固定年息的债券。···

    2021-11-25 20:55:35
  • 不可转换债券

    不可转换债券 财务管理名词。 不可转换债券是指债券发行时没有约定可在一定条件下转换成普通股这一特定条件的债券。···

    2022-01-03 02:12:04
  • 绝不可错过的中短线绝佳布局信号

      绝不可错过的中短线绝佳布局信号。下面万洲财经的小编为你介绍绝不可错过的中短线绝佳布局信号。\\r\\n  股价先大幅下挫,在低位做横盘整理,随后再大幅扬升,将前期下跌空间···

    2021-10-21 01:58:23
  • 不可抗辩条款什么意思


    2021-08-16 06:51:53
  • 不可追的涨势形态

    不可追的涨势形态\\r\\n  (中国的股市,因为投机和坐庄的存在,基本上很少适合可以长线持有的投资性品种。于是短线投机操作就成为了必然,这也是目前大多数散户的主要操作方法。)\\r···

    2021-12-12 02:55:04
  • 你不可不知的期货交易十大真相,大多数时候你都想错了!


    2022-01-01 16:47:01