
  • cassette

    n. 暗盒;小盒;录像带···

    2022-04-04 14:14:22
  • Painting The Tape

    An illegal action by a group of market manipulators buying and/or selling a security among themselves to create artificial trading activity, which, when report···

    2022-01-05 16:20:19
  • Ticker Tape/Stock Ticker


    2022-01-05 13:47:27
  • Reading The Tape

    英文名称:Reading The Tape中文名称:解盘···

    2022-01-05 13:03:49
  • Ticker Tape

    A computerized device that relays financial information to investors around the world, including the stock symbol, the latest price and the volume on securitie···

    2022-01-05 16:10:31
  • Tape Reading

    An old investing technique used by day traders to analyze the price and volume of a particular stock in order to execute profitable trades. Tape reading involv···

    2022-01-05 16:11:12
  • Consolidated Tape

    An electronic system that continuously reports data on the sales volume and price of exchange traded securities. Taobiz explains Consolidated TapeIn contrast t···

    2022-01-05 16:35:20
  • Tape Is Late

    A situation on the trading floor where trading volume is so heavy that the real-time ticker quotes are delayed by a minute or two. When the tape is late some p···

    2022-01-05 16:11:17
  • Fighting The Tape

    The action of placing a trade or trades that go against the ticker tape. Someone who is buying stocks while the overall market is falling is said to be fightin···

    2022-01-05 14:38:44
  • Broad Tape

    A modern version of the ticker tape produced by the Dow Jones news. The broad tape is posted on a screen in the boardroom of an investment firm. The broad tape···

    2022-01-05 15:17:11
  • Fast Tape

    A type of futures market that occurs when a single traded price is unavailable because of the rapid and large number of transactions occurring in the pit or ri···

    2022-01-05 14:38:57
  • 区别对待涨停打开

    区别对待涨停打开 \\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n  对于处在历史低位的个股,由于投资者对能否转强尚存疑虑,当大势出现震荡,难免会产生见好就收做个短差的心态,主力资金也借助这种心态进行震荡,···

    2021-12-18 11:40:01
  • 要区别对待涨停打开

    区别对待涨停打开\\r\\n  对于处在历史低位的个股,由于投资者对能否转强尚存疑虑,当大势出现震荡,难免会产生见好就收做个短差的心态,主力资金也借助这种心态进行震荡,以达到获得···

    2021-12-14 12:44:52
  • 区别固定资产贷款和流动资金贷款!


    2021-09-12 14:25:23
  • 区别庄家震仓与出货是与庄家斗智斗勇

    区别庄家震仓与出货是与庄家的斗智斗勇。\\r\\n  庄家经常做出经典技术中认为应做空的K线,K线组合,形态来达到震仓的目的;又把经典技术中认为应做多的K线,K线组合,形态来达到出···

    2021-12-29 14:06:29