静态效率 静态效率是指技术和偏好保持不变时的效率。假如偏离静态效率引起一个更快的技术变化率和生产率的提高,它们就会产生高于满足静态效率的条件时的消费者满足水平···
效果很好的缺口测市法\\r\\n 由K线走势所构成的各种形态中,缺口形态是最容易明确发现的,而且还具有极强的测市功能。某一日的最低成交价格比前一日的最高成交价还要高,即形成···
什么是无效果-无报酬原则 无效果-无报酬原则是海难救助法中确定救助报酬的基本原则,指的是救助人对遇险船舶和其他财产的救助,取得效果的,有权获得救助报酬;未取得效果的···
效果优于抗体治疗!新型新冠鼻喷药物进入临床试验 使用便利成本更低
效果不如预期?新冠口服药三期临床结果出炉 君实生物盘中20CM跌停
首个国产在研新冠口服药国内三期临床试验结果出炉,有望打响申请上市的“第一枪”。 5月23日晚间,君实生物(···
Collection Office [Inland Revenue Department]
Bailiff Office
Middle Office
英文名称:Middle Office 中文名称:中间部门在金融机构结算过程中与前端部门关系最密切的一部分,其主要工作是记录交易及交易头寸。···
Front Office
英文名称:Front Office 中文名称:前台在经纪公司、保险公司或其他金融服务机构中产生收入的部分,通常指销售人员或交易人员的岗位。···
Back Office
英文名称:Back Office中文名称:后线/后台指金融服务公司中专门从事会计、交易结算、记录、监察、清理等工作的行政人员和后勤人员。···
Office Audit
An examination of documents by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for a matter that is considered to be reasonably simple. This type of audit usually takes pla···
Home Office
An office located inside the taxpayer's home that serves as the taxpayer's principal place of business. In order for home office-related expenses such as utili···
Office Of The Comptroller Of The Currency - OCC
A U.S. federal agency that serves to charter, regulate and supervise the national banks and the federal branches and agencies of foreign banks. The Office of t···
Office Of Thrift Supervision - OTS
The bureau of the U.S. Treasury Department that is responsible for issuing and enforcing regulations governing the nation's savings and loan industry. |||This···
Office Of Foreign Asset Control - OFAC
A department of the U.S. Treasury that enforces economic and trade sanctions against countries and groups of individuals involved in terrorism, narcotics and o···