
  • 光有身份证能贷款吗?


    2021-08-17 04:34:38
  • 苹果怎么拦截陌生短信,苹果是怎么处理垃圾短信的呢?垃圾短信骚扰有多严重?

    搭载这款新iPhone的iOS 11系统已经全面开启了短信过滤功能的界面,百度移动卫士同时推出了“短信过滤”功能,解决了苹果手机垃圾短信的顽疾。那么, 苹果怎么···

    2021-08-22 04:53:05
  • 效果优于抗体治疗!新型新冠鼻喷药物进入临床试验 使用便利成本更低


    2022-04-15 15:35:58
  • 效果不如预期?新冠口服药三期临床结果出炉 君实生物盘中20CM跌停

      首个国产在研新冠口服药国内三期临床试验结果出炉,有望打响申请上市的“第一枪”。  5月23日晚间,君实生物(···

    2022-05-24 15:16:58
  • 效果很好的缺口测市法

    效果很好的缺口测市法\\r\\n  由K线走势所构成的各种形态中,缺口形态是最容易明确发现的,而且还具有极强的测市功能。某一日的最低成交价格比前一日的最高成交价还要高,即形成···

    2021-12-08 03:39:35
  • 无效果-无报酬原则

    什么是无效果-无报酬原则   无效果-无报酬原则是海难救助法中确定救助报酬的基本原则,指的是救助人对遇险船舶和其他财产的救助,取得效果的,有权获得救助报酬;未取得效果的···

    2022-03-11 20:44:19
  • Opt-Out Vote

    A shareholder vote that is undertaken in order to determine if certain laws and regulations regarding corporate takeovers are to be waived during a particular···

    2022-01-05 16:21:09
  • Double One-Touch Option

    A type of exotic option that gives an investor an agreed upon payout if the price of the underlying asset reaches or surpasses one of two predetermined barrier···

    2022-01-05 15:43:27
  • Opt-Out Plan

    A type of 401(k) plan that automatically enrolls the employees of a company to save for their retirement. Eligible employees of a company with this policy are···

    2022-01-05 15:07:42
  • Conditional Call Option

    A provision that requires the issuer of a callable bond to replace the bond with a non-callable bond of similar maturity and interest rate in the case that the···

    2022-01-05 16:03:37
  • OPT

    什么是OPT?   OPT(Optimized Production Technology,最佳生产技术)是一种改善生产管理的技术,以色列物理学家Eli Goldratt博士于70年代提出,用于安排企业生产人力和物料调···

    2022-03-01 20:17:41
  • Chicago Board of Options Exchange


    2022-01-05 12:42:31
  • Deferred Payment Option

    An option with all the characteristics of an American vanilla option, with one exception: payment is deferred until the original expiration date. The option ca···

    2022-01-05 14:21:00
  • STIR Futures & Options

    An acronym standing for "short-term interest rate" options or futures contract. Many companies and financial institutions use STIR contracts to hedge against b···

    2022-01-05 14:12:29
  • 激光雷达需求汹涌:Velodyne Lidar(VLDR.US)Q2业绩会纪要

    会议时间:2021年8月5日4:30 PM ET公司参与者:Moriah Shilton - LHA 投资者关系高级副总裁Drew Hamer - 首席财务官Jim Barnhart - 首席运营官Sincl···

    2021-08-17 18:26:33