英文名称:Real 中文名称:已剔除通货膨胀因素的"指剔除了通货膨胀因素。在高通货膨胀时期,原始的、未经调整的数据具有误导性,因而常常运用实际的、经过通货膨胀调···
equilibrium real exchange rate
real wages
real option
实物期权(real options) 实物期权(real options),把金融市场的规则引入企业内部战略投资决策,用于规划与管理战略投资。···
Real Economy
英文名称:Real Economy 中文名称:实体经济指各种物质的、精神的产品和服务的生产和流通等经济活动,包括农业、工业、交通通信业、商业服务业、建筑业等物质生产···
Real Body
In candlestick charting this is the wide part of a candle that represents the range between the opening and the closing prices over a specific time period. Whe···
Real Property
Any property that is attached directly to land, as well as the land itself. Real property not only includes buildings and other structures, but also rights and···
BRL (Brazilian Real)
The currency abbreviation symbol for the Brazilian real (BRL), the currency for Brazil. The Brazilian real is made up of 100 centavos and is often presented wi···
Real Time
When a system relays information to a user at a speed that is near instantaneous or has a short delay from when the event actually occurred. Online brokerages···
Real Estate Investment Trusts
Investment Real Estate
英文名称:Investment Real Estate 中文名称:投资性房地产指为赚取租金或资本增值,或两者兼有而持有的房地产。投资性房地产应当能够单独计量和出售。···
Real Interest Rates
英文名称:Real Interest Rates 中文名称:实际利率/实质利率指从名义利率中扣除通货膨胀因素影响后所得的实质收益率。e.g. China could be in line for substant···
Real-time Data
英文名称:Real-time Data 中文名称:实时数据同步反映市场变动的不断更新变化的数据。···
real effective exchange rate
Definition of 'Real Effective Exchange Rate - REER' 实际有效汇率 The weighted average of a country's currency relative to an index or basket of other major cur···
Captive Real Estate Investment Trust
A real estate investment trust (REIT) that is controlled by a single company or investor and set up to own the real estate assets of the parent company for tax···