
  • Asset Size

    The total market value of the securities in a mutual fund's portfolio. Total assets or total net assets are also used to describe a fund's size. When it comes···

    2022-01-05 14:28:31
  • Normal Market Size

    A share classification structure based on the number of shares outstanding. This determines the number of shares that a market maker can trade at the quoted pr···

    2022-01-05 16:20:59
  • Bid Size

    The number of shares a buyer is willing to purchase at the quoted bid price. Taobiz explains Bid SizeFor example, if the bid price is $20 and the bid size is 2···

    2022-01-05 16:38:50
  • Tick Size

    The minimum price movement of a trading instrument. The price movements of different trading instruments varies. For example, if the minimum price movement of···

    2022-01-05 15:13:54
  • Box Size

    In the context of Point & Figure Charts, the box size is the minimum price change that must occur for a given period before a mark (an X or an O) is added to t···

    2022-01-05 14:56:25
  • Contract Size

    The deliverable quantity of goods or commodities underlying futures, forward and option contracts. Each contract will have a well defined contract size. For ex···

    2022-01-05 14:21:48
  • 女生一天吃几个鸡蛋好?鸡蛋怎么吃才能营养吸收最大化


    2021-08-22 13:13:17
  • 95后女生买下A股公司的钱从哪来?公司回应了

      此前,95后女生褚一凡斥资1.96亿元入主国立科技的消息引发广泛关注。   11月18日晚,国立科技(300716.SZ)发···

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  • 女生学IT好吗?


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  • 女生学什么手艺吃香?一文解惑!


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  • 女生借了校园贷,该怎么办


    2021-09-10 11:38:59
  • 女生“裸条借贷”渐成灰色产业链:照片遭打包出售(2)


    2021-09-05 22:22:31
  • 女生“裸条借贷”渐成灰色产业链:照片遭打包出售(1)


    2021-09-05 22:22:32